Tag: Vietnam

Kopi Vietnam

Kopi hari ini: kopi ala Vietnam. Kopi ini dijerang dengan seperangkat filter yang dibuat khusus untuk memberikan rasa kopi yang konon — kata orang Vietnam — tiada duanya.

Filter Kopi Vietnam seukuran cangkir kecil, mudah disimpan. Dan pemakaiannya mudah. Tapi kita harus menggunakan bubuk kopi yang tak terlalu halus. Kopi Vietnam sendiri sudah digiling dengan kekasaran yang pas untuk alat ini. Tapi kopi ala Vietnam tak harus menggunakan kopi dari Vietnam. Kita bisa giling sendiri kopi yang agak kasar. Untuk grinder miniku, aku set waktu 10 detik untuk menghasilkan kekasaran yang pas (sebagai bandingan, aku grind 15 detik untuk Bialetti-Mokka dan French-press, dan 20 detik untuk kopi tubruk).

Pertama, kita masukkan 3 sendok kecil kopi ke badan filter. Pasang spanner di atas cangkir (atau mug atau gelas), dan badan filter di atas spanner. Pasang lagi filter penutup di atas kopi, dan putar2 untuk meratakan kopi. Tanpa tekanan.

Sementara itu, siapkan air panas. Bisa dari dispenser yang berpemanas, atau dari air mendidih yang dibiarkan dingin sebentar. Sekarang, basahi kopi dengan air panas. Tuang air panas sedikit ke filter, sampai kira2 seluruh kopi terbasahi. Lebihkan sedikit di atas filter atas. Air akan terserap cepat. Biarkan. Diamkan 20 detik.

Kemudian, masukkan air panas memenuhi badan filter. Proses brewing langsung dimulai. Tutup filternya. Tunggu sekitar 5 menit. Boleh sambil menyanyi, menari, atau membaca puisi. Setelahnya, angkat spanner; dan temukan kopi hitam kental di dalam cangkir. Kopi Vietnam, yummie.

Kalau ingin membuat es kopi, kopi susu, atau es kopi susu; es dan/atau/justru susu bisa dimasukkan ke cangkir sebelum semua proses ini dilakukan. Cara ini lebih dianjurkan daripada memasukkan es dan/atau/kecuali susu setelahnya. Setelah kopi jadi … jangan buang waktu. Langsung disesap, atau disajikan. Awas, jangan berikan kopi ke anak kecil dan atau ke pinguin. Mereka bisa hiperaktif.


Brasil is apparently famous as the biggest coffee exporter. But only a few people know that the second position is held by Vietnam. Vietnam has a long history on coffee. When the Dutch was inhumanly forcing its kulturstelsel (never mind the spell — it is never important) in Nusantara (now Indonesia), the French colonist also started their own coffee plantations in Indochina, in the 19th century. Under communist government, however, Vietnamese coffee had been forgotten. Almost.

Since 1990s, when Vietnam redefined its interpretation of communism, they changed the way of development and management. They have been remanaging the coffee plantation, and then reexporting its beans worldwide. Vietnam’s coffee export got almost tripled only in four years, rising from 3,938 of 60 kg bags of coffee exported in 1995 to 11,264 of 60 kg bags in 1999. Almost all is of robusta variety, like here in Indonesia.

Generally, Vietnam’s coffee is valued lower in grade than that of other countries. But they have acknowledged the problem, and started to overcome it. For example, a state plan was issued, mentioning the country’s plan to diversify its robusta-saturated coffee growth and output, growing more arabica in its northern region.

They also started some other plans to attract the attention of premium coffee lovers. One of Vietnam’s domestic offerings, “civet coffee,” has the potential to appeal to the palates of high-end drinkers the world over. Civet coffee was originally made from coffee beans that had been eaten and excreted by civets, enhancing the taste of the beans. In Indonesia, the beans are called “kopi luwak.” A chain of coffee shops in Vietnam specializes in civet coffee, although these days the beans never see a civet’s insides, rather going through a synthetic process intended to simulate the effects of a journey through the civet’s digestive tract. They expect it to be as good as the real thing. While the owner of this chain has contemplated an international expansion of his business, citing possible franchises in Japan and New York City, the chain remains exclusively in Vietnam.

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